Planning for a Bachelorette party? And, are looking for a perfect set of hilarious newlywed game questions to ask the new couple in town?

We have some unique and the best and unique question entries for you.

Go through our list below, choose some of the best questions for your newlywed game questions suited for your relationship with the couple and have fun!

Funniest Newlywed Game Questions

1. What is the new name for your new family?

2. How did you first meet?

3. What was your impression of one another?

4. How has it changed over time?

5. What did you get wrong about each other the first time?

Next: 100+ Funny Questions to Ask

6. Is he or she what you expected them to be?

7. In what ways has he or she changed over time?

8. What positive change can you attribute to one another?

9. What did you wear on your first date?

10. Who among you couldn’t wait for this day to come?

11. Who is a better kisser?

12. Who is the weirdest quirk?

Next: 100+ Random Questions to Ask

13. Who made the first move?

14. Who said “I love you” first?

15. Who loves more than the other?

16. Who is your embarrassing crush?

17. Which movie would you like your life to follow its path?

18. Who is more confrontational?

Next: 100+ Deep Questions to Ask

19. Who more private a person?

20. Who is the tidiest?

21. Whose meals taste better?

22. What name will you give to your first child?

23. What is the most favorite thing about your two?

24. What do you share in common?

Next: 100+ Questions for Couples

25. What do you find very different between you two?

26. What was your very first fight about? How did it go?

27. Who is more possessive?

28. Who loves more than the other?

29. Who is likely to let go easily?

30. What is your favorite movie?

Next: 100 Perfect First Date Questions

Newlywed Game Questions for Bridal Shower

31. What is the most memorable day of your life together?

32. What are the darkest days of your lives together?

33. Did you think you will end up with a person like [insert name] at one point in your life?

34. What is the most embarrassing moments of your lives you don’t want to talk about?

35. Which power couple’s life would you like yours to be like?

36. Who has the most exes?

Next: 100+ Questions to Ask a Guy

37. Who is more romantic?

38. Who is more creative in bed?

39. What are your biggest fears?

40. What is the best present he has ever given you?

41. What is the best present she has ever given you?

42. How was your proposal like?

Next: 271+ Questions to Ask Your Crush

43. Who will be the strictest when it comes to parenting?

44. In what ways do you keep the fire of love burning?

45. What do you find irresistible in each other?

46. How would you like your lives to be from today?

47. What are your guilty pleasures?

48. What are your bedroom secrets?

Next: 170+ Good Questions to Ask

49. Where did the very first happen?

50. At what point did you realize your spouse is the one you’ve been looking for?

51. How did it happen the very first time you got intimate?

52. What are some of your worst habits?

53. What was your worst date like?

54. Who spends the most time in the shower?

Next: 36 Questions to Fall in Love

55. What is the name of your ex?

56. How many dates passed by before the very first kiss?

57. How long have you been dating before the engagement?

58. What is the worst thing that happened on your wedding day?

59. What do you find strange in your spouse?

60. What are some of the worst words he or she has ever said to you?

Next: 100 Questions to Ask a Girl Over Text

Newlywed Game Questions for Couples

Part I:

How Well Do You Know Your Wife Questions

61. In what ways do you find your partner unique?

62. Who is the worst spender?

63. Who is a shopping addict?

64. What is their most annoying habit?

65. Who is passively aggressive?

66. Who is more pessimist?

67. Who is more optimistic?

68. Who is more realistic?

69. In what ways does he or she waste money?

70. What are you most proud of about each other?

71. What makes your partner mad easily?

72. What are your favorite colors?

73. What did you think of each other after the first date?

74. What did you think of each other after the first kiss?

75. Where did you go for your first date?

76. How did your family react to the wedding news?

77. How did your families react when they first met your spouse?

78. Who caught the bridal bouquet?

79. What will you buy if you won a 1 million dollar lottery today?

80. Who cannot wait to have a baby?

81. Who is your spouse’s best friend?

82. Which of your spouse’s friends do you find most attractive?

83. What is your relationship with your mother-in-law?

84. What is your relationship with father in law?

85. Who is your favorite among your spouse’s family members?

86. What do you feel your spouse gets wrong every time?

87. What don’t you like but you do it anyway for the sake of your spouse?

88. What is your spouse’s favorite junk food?

89. What is his or her favorite car?

90. What is his or her favorite vacation destination?

Part II:

How Well Do You Know Your Husband Questions

91. What are your spouse’s aspirations in life?

92. What is your spouse’s dream neighborhood?

93. What clothing does your partner like while you can’t stand it?

94. What are your best and worst features?

96. What are your strengths?

97. What are your weaknesses?

98. In what ways do you find him or her great?

99. In what ways do you find him petty?

100. Who is the funniest?

101. Who is the freakiest between you?

102. What is your partner’s silliest fear?

103. What is their favorite candy?

104. What is their favorite snack?

105. What is their star sign?

106. What is their favorite ice cream toppings?

107. What are their favorite pizza toppings?

108. What are your dreams and aspirations in life?

109. Who among you is the most religious?

110. Who is the most honest?

111. Who is a risk-taker?

112. Who is more adventurous?

113. Who will win in a dissing contest?

114. Who will win in eating competition?

115. Who can cheat and never get caught?

116. Who sacrifices the most?

117. What secrets do you use to make your partner smile when they are mad at you?

118. Have you ever disagreed over finances?

119. How likely are you to merge your finances?

120. Do you like these newlywed questions game?

Not So Newlywed Game Questions

121. How would you rate (out of 10) these newlywed questions game?

122. Who is a baby when sick?

123. Who chased who?

124. Who played hard to get?

125. Who likes being on top?

126. Who keeps asking for more in bed?

127. How did your spouse describe their ex?

128. Do you have nicknames for each other?

129. Have you ever had a prank that went wrong?

130. How is your spouse when drunk?

131. Who likes trying new things in the bedroom?

132. Who owned a sex toy before engagement?

133. What is the fastest way to seduce him or her?

134. Have you ever used a lube?

135. What worries you the most about each other?

136. What is the freakiest thing you have ever done?

137. What do you feel your partner wastes too much time on?

138. Who usually starts a fight?

139. What is the sharpest thing your partner has ever said to you?

140. What is the lamest excuse your spouse has ever given?

141. Who is the first to say I am sorry?

142. Who keeps grudges?

143. Who takes longer to get over a disagreement?

144. What are your biggest regrets?

145. At what point did you feel the need to stop seeing each other?

146. How many cousins does your spouse have?

147. It always makes you smile when….?

148. It always makes you happy when…?

149. Now that you are together, you cannot wait to…?

Relationship Firsts Questions

1. When was your first kiss?

2. How kisses first?

3. What was your first fight all about?

4. How did you feel meeting each other’s family for the first time?

5. When was the first time when you made out?

6. When did you move in together?

7. How did it feel when you first looked for an apartment together?

8. When did you actually realize it was love?

9. What was the first anniversary you celebrated together?

10. What was your very first argument all about?

11. When was the first time someone referred them as your boyfriend or girlfriend?

12. When was the first time you starting feeling he wants to propose?

13. Where did you go for your first vacation?

14. How was your very first date like?

15. What was the very first gift for each other?

16. How did you celebrate your very first Valentine?

17. How did you dress for your very first dinner date?

18. How did it go at your very first photoshoot?

19. Who first suggested about having a wedding?

20. Who was the first to say I love you?

21. What happened that you ended up having your very first sex?

Who’s Most Likely to Newlywed Game Questions

1. Who is most likely to start a fight?

2. Who is most likely to say sorry the first?

3. Who is most likely to initiate a hug?

4. Who is most likely to cry the first?

5. Who is most likely to leave and never come back?

6. Who is most likely to laugh at something silly?

7. Who is most likely to steal all the blanket in bed?

8. Who is most likely to kill themselves for the other?

9. Who is most likely to be the last man standing in the relationship?

10. Who is most likely to make the first move in bed?

11. Who is most likely to kiss the first?

12. Who is most likely to donate to the street families?

13. Who is most likely to sleep immediately after making out?

14. Who is most likely to forget the other’s birthday?

15. Who is most likely to own a puppy?

16. Who is most likely to get arrested?

17. Who is most likely to say something inappropriate?

18. Who is most likely to document private life on social media?

19. Who is most likely to turn up late on the wedding?

20. Who is most likely to embrass the other when drunk?

21. Who is most likely to get angry for no reason at all?

22. Who is most likely to forget an anniversary?

23. Who is most likely to adopt a new idea?

24. Who is most likely to tell the best joke?

25. Who is most likely to say “I hate you”?

26. Who is most likely to pick a fight for no reason at all?

27. Who is most likely to sleep the first?

28. Who is most likely to call first?

29. Who is most likely to ask for a date?

30. Who is most likely to wake up first in the morning?

31. Who is most likely to sleep naked?

32. Who is most likely to miss the other first?

33. Who is most likely to call first?

34. Who is most likely to text the first?

35. Who is most likely to become famous?

36. Who is most likely to give a horrible advice?

37. Who is most likely to write a love note?

38. Who is most likely to cancel plans the last moments?

39. Who is most likely to bankrupt the marriage?

40. Who is most likely to start a blog or a Youtube channel?

41. Who is most likely to come home drunk?

There you have your complete list of newlywed game questions and how to play.

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