Online dating can be both a daydream and a nightmare.

Depending on how you position yourself, you can either achieve your goals or fail every time despite doing everything in your capacity.

Having the best online dating questions as part of your arsenal is the best place to start.

If you don’t want to be the typical chick or dude in the online dating sphere, these questions are what you need.

Online Dating Questions

What is your typical weekend like?

What made you swipe left on my profile?

What exactly are you looking for on this platform?

Are you in any relationship at the moment?

Do you have a bucket list? What is the next item on it?

What makes you smile?

Do you think we are a good match?

What is your success rate like on dating apps?

What are you working on right now?

Would you describe yourself as religious or spiritual?

Are there drinks you don’t take?

What makes a perfect first date for you?

What type of vacation do you prefer?

What type of men do you naturally like?

What type of women do you find irresistible?

What is your first date deal breaker?

Do you have any questions for me?

How do you know he is the right one for you?

How do you know she is the right one for you?

Did you watch the last season of β€” your favorite sport or show?

Beach vacation or Safari?

Beachfront apartment or a house in Beverly Hills?

What are your thoughts on β€” something trendy?

Have you ever been to β€” a fancy or famous place around?

How would you describe your typical Friday evenings?

What are your dreams in this life?

What is the one thing I will be surprised to learn about you?

Do you have any rules when it comes to dating and relationships?

Do you have your family around here?

Where would you like to go right now?

Do you have a nickname? Should I give you one?

Do you run a successful Youtube channel, Instagram page, or TikTok account?

What type of job do you find interesting?

Are you into dance?

How do you relax in your free time?

Are you into music and karaoke?

What type of movies do you watch on Netflix?

Would you like to visit a foreign country?

What do you love about your life these days?

Are you a romantic soul?

What are you β€” God-loving or God-fearing?

What are your thoughts on online dating?

How do you identify good potential dates from bad ones?

Are you a good person?

Swimming or workouts?

How would you like your dates β€” coffee dates or drinking dates?

What is the craziest thing you have ever done?

Knock knock β€” tell a knock knock joke.

Have you ever been catfished on this dating app?

What are your expectations of someone you are dating?

Is there something you want but don’t have money or time for?

Do you like having a drink? What is your favorite?

Is there something I should know about you?

Do you like watching sports? Which team do you support?

What are your thoughts on road trips for two?

Do you prefer an introverted or extroverted friend?

Camping or hiking?

Would you like to share your dreams?

Where does love go when people break up?

What easily pisses you off?

What makes you happy?

What is your favorite restaurant in town? How about we check it out this Friday?

What do you value the most in your potential date?

Do you have kids? How many kids do you have?

Are you married? Have you ever been married before?

Do you have a baby mama in your life?

What is the most important thing in your life right now?

Do you like good jokes?

What is your favorite thing to do when alone?

What is your favorite thing to do for relaxation?