Men rarely open up about their feelings, what they are going through, or their past.
According to research by Dr. Line Nyhagen, it is even harder for men raised under religious or traditional beliefs to open up and share how they feel and sometimes what they are doing in life.
But, how do you make your guy open up without him feeling intruded on? Well, knowing the things to say to him is a good place to get started, and deep questions to ask a guy is one of these.
In this article, we have come up with a list of the best and deep questions to ask a guy that will get him talking. They range from simple questions about life to flirty ones and a few deep and personal questions as well.
100 Deep Questions to Ask a Guy
1. What do you consider a waste of time?
2. How do you define a life wasted?
3. What is your life philosophy?
4. How do you define love?
5. What relationship advice would you give a younger you?
Next: 100+ Deep Questions to Ask Your Crush
6. What is your take on relationships and sex?
7. How do you define a successful life?
8. How do you measure progress in life?
9. What is your love language?
10. In what ways do you achieve happiness in your life?
11. What is your take on the debate between beauty and brains?
12. What lessons have you learned as far as relationships are concerned?
13. Whose love life do you consider near perfect?
14. How do you want your relationship to be?
15. What do you think is a waste of one’s precious time?
16. What book did you read last?
17. What book genre do you prefer the most?
18. What music genre do you listen to?
19. Who is your favorite musician?
20. What are some of the life luxuries in your possession?
Next: 100+ Deep Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
21. What do you consider as necessary little life luxuries?
22. What song touches your heart every time you hear it?
23. What are some of your expensive habits?
24. What is your all-time best movie?
25. What movie would you advise everyone to watch?
26. What book would you advise everyone to read before they hit 40 years?
27. What do you consider a good life?
28. Is there a connection between money and happiness?
29. How fulfilled are you with your current state of life?
30. Do you think polygamy to solve a single-parenting issue is a good idea?
31. Apart from masturbation, how else do you pleasure yourself?
32. Do you sometimes feel capitalism is destroying our planet?
33. What is your take on the existence of another intelligent life form in the galaxy other than humans?
34. Can socialism be part of the solution to a contended society?
35. Which book shaped a large part of your life?
36. Do you think love is a one-way highway?
37. Is the country going in the right direction?
38. Who are you likely to vote for in the upcoming elections? Why?
39. Should there be a limit to the amount of wealth an individual should have?
40. Which society do you feel is the best to raise a family?
41. Do you stay friends with your exes?
42. What type of parent do you think you will be?
43. Do you sometimes judge someone by how they look and carry themselves?
44. What do you feel most thankful for in life?
45. What do you do when angry?
46. What is on your bucket list for this year?
47. What are some of your biggest regrets in life so far?
48. What worries you often?
49. What do you mostly think of when alone?
50. What are some of your favorite hobbies?
51. What do you think is a waste of time?
52. What do people say about you that you disagree with?
53. Can you show me your best friends?
54. How do you spend your quality time alone?
55. Do you have phobias?
56. Do you think I love you enough?
57. Do you feel understood most of the time?
58. Do you feel loved by the people around you?
59. What did you learn from your father?
60. What is your greatest fear in life?
61. What keeps you awake late at night?
62. What terrifies you every time you think about it?
63. What is your favorite drink?
64. What sport do you like the most?
65. What indoor game do you think you are unbeatable?
66. Do you believe giving friends small gifts every now and now is a good thing?
67. How long is your longest relationship?
68. Have you ever taken someone’s virginity?
69. At what age did you first have sex?
70. What is the shortest relationship you have ever had?
71. Have you ever had a pet?
72. When is the last time you took a charitable cause of action that made you feel fulfilled?
73. How good are you at dancing?
74. What risks have you ever taken?
75. Do you think people around you see you for what you are?
76. What are some of the things people don’t understand about you?
77. What are some of the biggest regrets you have in life?
78. If you are to die today, what will you be remembered for?
79. What are some of your past lives you wish to forget?
80. What are some of the strangest nightmares you have encountered in your dream?
81. Who is your favorite person in the world?
82. Whose life would you like to emulate?
83. Do you sometimes work out? Do you think it is healthy to work out once in a while?
84. Is it a good thing to tell a lie if it serves the greater good?
85. Apart from my body and looks, in what other ways do you find me attractive?
86. Do you believe in life after death?
87. Do you think we can be soulmates?
88. What do you consider important in your life?
89. Who are the most important people in your life?
90. In what ways have you changed in the past five years?
91. What are some of the bad decisions you have made recently?
92. Am I romantic enough?
93. Do you like these deep questions to ask a guy?
94. How likely are you to suggest these deep questions to ask a guy to one of your close friends?
95. How likely are you to play these deep questions to ask a guy again soon?
96. Are all people equal in the world?
97. Is money the source of all evil in the world?
98. Do you think true love exists?
99. What are some of the small things that matter in life?
Personal Questions to Ask a Guy
100. What are some of your expensive small habits?
101. If you are to marry any musician, who would it be?
102. If you are to marry a celebrity, who will it definitely not be?
103. What are some of the common things in life you still have doubts about?
104. What is your worst job all about?
105. Where did you have the most fun, high school or college?
106. Tell me a thing or two about your best friend?
107. If I asked you to make me a meal, what will it definitely be?
108. What is the craziest way to end a relationship?
109. Have you ever been heartbroken?
110. Who do you miss the most when lonely?
111. How will you survive if you lose your job today?
112. How do you tell when I am lying?
113. Do you believe in second chances?
114. When is the last time you cried?
115. Do you have addictions you are struggling with?
116. What is the best thing about being a man?
117. How do you tell if a man is ready for marriage?
118. What is the one thing you are afraid to tell me?
119. What is your greatest achievement so far?
120. What are some of your recent wins in life?
121. What is the best thing about having a girlfriend?
122. What is the sweetest thing a girl has ever said about you?
123. How many ladies have you taken out this month?
124. Are you looking for a girlfriend or something else?
125. What is unforgivable to you?
126. Do you sometimes lie to girls?
127. What are the common sweet lies men tell?
128. Do you have a girlfriend?
129. How do you tell when you are falling in love?
130. How many times have you been in love before?
131. Are you dating someone else right now?
132. Are you seeing someone else at the moment?
133. If I wanted to touch your member, would you allow it?
134. What are the simple rules that guide your life?
135. What are some of your principles?
136. How rampant is cheating these days?
137. Do women cheat in their relationships more than men?
138. Have you ever gotten a girl pregnant?
139. Do you have a child?
140. Have you been married before?
141. What is the longest you have stayed in with a girl?
142. What is your longest relationship?
143. Is it okay to lie sometimes to protect your love?
144. Have you ever experienced humiliation in a relationship?
145. What is the dumbest thing you have ever done in the name of love?
146. What is the worst you have seen people do to their spouses?
147. How would you describe your former girlfriend?
148. Are you single?
149. How long have you been single?
150. Are you single and searching?
Questions to Ask a Guy Over Text
151. What is the most difficult conversation you have ever had?
152. What group of girls won’t you date?
153. Do you like girls with makeup?
154. What is your next big move?
155. What are you working on right now?
156. Where would be if you were not here?
157. Have you ever wanted to study abroad?
158. Do other people’s opinions of you matter?
159. What matters the most in a relationship?
160. What are you great at doing?
161. What projects are you working on at the moment?
162. Do you have anger issues?
163. How do you deal with negative emotions?
164. Do you think I am the one for you?
165. Am I a wife material type of girl?
166. Can I make a good mother?
167. How many kids would you like us to have?
168. Are you ready to have a family?
169. What happens if I get pregnant now?
170. In what ways have I changed your life?
171. Have you ever felt like giving up on our relationship?
172. What is the worst part of dating a girl like me?
173. How would you describe me in one word?
174. What are the lessons you have learned from our relationship?
175. What is the best part of dating a girl like me?
Trap Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
176. What is love?
177. In what ways am I contributing to your personal growth?
178. Do I make you happy?
179. Do I fulfill you?
180. Have you ever been scared of losing me?
181. What are some of the things you have compromised for the sake of our relationship?
182. In what ways has this relationship changed your life?
183. Have you been in a committed relationship before?
184. Where would you like us to travel together?
185. What is not working in our relationship this far?
186. Is it okay to flirt while in a relationship?
187. Is it okay for a girl to have male friends?
188. Do you mind removing the password to our phones?
189. Does dating end after marriage?
190. Is it okay for the people dating to check each other’s messages?
191. Have you ever thought of me cheating?
192. Who works harder to keep this relationship alive?
193. How different would our life be if we had more money?
194. What is the angriest I have ever made you?
195. Have you ever pretended to like a gift I bought you?
196. What is your favorite memory with me?
197. How do I sometimes offend you without knowing?
198. Where would you like to have your family home in the future?
199. Generally, do you like the way I look?
200. How comfortable are you wearing clothes that match in color with your girlfriend?
There you have a list of deep questions to ask a guy over text or in person. You can ask them in person face to face or over text for a long-distance relationship. Make sure to be nice and have fun while asking.
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