It is no secret that money is one of the arteries of life in the current world we live in.

Having a healthy relationship with your money and finances is therefore necessary.

Positive money affirmations and financial mantras are a great place to get started in your journey to abundance and financial freedom.

In this article, we have compiled a list of the best money affirmations you can use to get your money mindset in order and set yourself on a path to true wealth creation.

Money Affirmations

1. I am worthy of financial freedom.

2. Money comes easily to me with less effort.

3. I get wealthy doing what I like the most.

4. I spend way less than I earn.

5. My income streams are multiple and diverse.

6. I make more money than I can ever spend.

7. I account for my spending.

8. Wealth and abundance are in my blood.

9. I am good at managing my hard-earned cash.

10. I am diversifying my income and businesses.

11. Everything idea I touch turns into a money-making machine.

12. I know no poverty.

13. I believe in making more money and not spending less. It is the best path to building wealth.

14. My financial situation will improve with time.

15. I am generous with the money I am making.

16. I am always on the look for new sources of income.

17. Sometimes, I make money in ways I never expected.

18. My financial dreams are valid and achievable.

19. I will attain financial freedom early in life and retire young.

20. My life is surrounded by limitless money-making opportunities.

21. I will get the wealth I need and more.

22. Everything that I need to make more money is within me.

23. There is no limit to how much money I can make in my life.

24. I am on my way to millionaire status in a few years.

25. My income will always exceed my expenditure.

26. More money will come into my life with time.

27. I am worthy of more money and wealth.

28. I am worthy of true financial freedom.

29. I like my financial statements and balance sheet.

30. All that I need in this life, I can afford.

31. I accept monetary freedom.

32. I manifest financial freedom and money success.

33. Responsible spending is a habit I am embracing these days.

34. I have enough money with me.

35. The fear of going broke is not in me. I live with an abundance mindset.

36. Making more money will do good for my family and me.

37. I always make a decision to be smart with my money.

38. Money changes the world for the better. I will change the world for the better with money.

39. I deserve to be paid more for my time, skills and knowledge.

40. There is more than enough money in this world for everyone.

41. I deserve more in life because I believe in abundance.

42. I will make good money this month.

43. My thoughts are all about abundance and prosperity.

44. Every decision I make will result in wealth creation in the long run.

45. I am wealthy in ways you can never understand.

46. I manifest growth and prosperity for myself this year.

47. Rich and wealth are parts of my vocabulary now.

48. I control money. I will not allow money to control me.

49. I make wise money decisions and am on the right track to financial freedom.

50. My level of income is unlimited. I decide how much I make at the end of the day.

51. I will be free of debt this year.

52. I am saving enough money for rainy days.

53. The money I will make will exceed my expenses twice fold.

54. My income will increase tremendously in the next few months.

55. I will make in a day what I am making in one month.

56. My money will flow in from multiple sources.

57. I am wealthy more than I think I am.

58. Money-making opportunities around me are limitless.

59. Every morning comes with limitless opportunities for me to make more money.

60. My time and skills are worth more than I think. I will strive for opportunities that unlock this potential.

61. It is easy for me to make more money.

62. Making money is fun and easy for me. My hobbies make me more money than my day job.

63. I can account for every dollar I make.

64. Financial freedom is not a distant dream but a reality for me.

65. I will focus on abundance and wealth no matter the turbulence in my life.

66. Money is an abundant resource. I will not limit myself.  

67. I can afford with ease all the little luxuries in life.

68. Money loves me. I love money.