Trivia night? And, you have animal lovers in attendance?
Worry not.
We have some of the best animal trivia questions for animal lovers, young kids, and any other person out there.
So, if you are looking for general knowledge questions about animals or more specific ones, this article is for you.
Let’s get started!
Egg Laying Mammals
Trivia Question: Which mammal is capable of laying eggs?
Answer: The Spiny anteater and the platypus.
Easy Animal Trivia Question I
Trivia Question: How are animals classified as mammals?
Answer: Mammary glands.
Animals with mammary glands that produce milk for their young ones are mammals.
Longest Average Lifespan
Trivia Question: Which animal has the longest lifespan?
Answer: Bowhead whales.
The longest living animals are found at the sea. It is confirmed that bowhead whales have an average life span of around 211 years.
Longest Gestation Period
Trivia Question: Which animal has the longest gestation period?
Answer: African elephants.
African elephants’ pregnancies last one and half years (650 days).
Animal that Cannot Jump
Trivia Question: Which is the only animal that cannot jump?
Answer: An elephant.
Animal Trivia Facts
Trivia Question: Which animal has the highest blood pressure?
Answer: The giraffe.
The very high blood pressure in giraffes is necessary for enough blood to reach the brain given their very long neck.
Animals Hibernation
Trivia Question: How do polar animals preserve themselves from starving when conditions are not right for them to move freely and look for food?
Answer: Through hibernation.
They go into deep sleep lasting months waiting for conditions to improve before springing back to action.
Camels Evolution
Trivia Question: Which South American native animal is an evolution of a camel?
Answer: The Alpaca.
Alpacas are descendants of Bactrian camels.
A Cheetah or a Leopard
Trivia Question: How does one differentiate between a Cheetah from a Leopard?
Answer: Patterns on their coats and eyes.
At a glance, cheetahs look like they have teary eyes running to the mouth whereas leopards don’t.
Leopards have rose-like patterns on their coat while cheetahs have solid rounded or oval spots.
The Fastest Animal in the World
Trivia Question: What is the fastest animal on the planet?
Answer: Cheetahs.
Cheetahs go from 0 to 100 kilometers per hour speed in 3 seconds!
Fastest Flying Bird
Trivia Question: How fast does the fastest bird fly?
Answer: Peregrine falcons.
Peregrine falcons go from 0 to 300 kilometers per hour speed in less than 3 seconds making them the fastest bird in the sky.
The Big Cats
Trivia Question: What animals are grouped as big cats?
Answer: Lions, tigers, jaguars, leopards, and cheetahs.
General Animal Trivia
Trivia Question: Which animals don’t fall prey to the big cats?
Answer: Elephants and rhinos.
Elephants and rhinos are the only animals that don’t fall prey to big cats. They have thick skin that a lion’s canine cannot penetrate, a larger neck that is difficult to suffocate, and the strength to easily outmaneuver a pack of lions.
Non Flying Birds
Trivia Question: What are the examples of birds that cannot fly?
Answer: Penguins, ostrich, and kiwis.
Most Beautiful Birds
Trivia Question: What is the most beautiful bird on earth?
Answer: It depends on you.
Parrots, doves, and peafowls are among the most beautiful domesticated birds in the world.
Most Beautiful Insect
Trivia Question: What is the most beautiful insect in the world?
Answer: A ladybird and a butterfly.
A butterfly’s beauty changes rapidly as they undergo metamorphosis leaving ladybirds as the most beautiful insects in the world.
Simple Animal Trivia Question II
Trivia Question: How do you differentiate a mouse from a rat?
Answer: The simplest difference is that rats live in people’s homes while mice are largely wild.
Animals Biodiversity
Trivia Question: Which continent has the highest biodiversity of animals in the wild?
Answer: Africa.
Man’s Best Friend
Trivia Question: Which animal is considered as man’s best friend?
Answer: A dog.
First Domestic Animal
Trivia Question: Which is the first animal to be domesticated?
Answer: A goat.
Goats were the first animals to be domesticated while dogs were the first animals to be tamed.
Trivia Question for Kids
Trivia Question: What group of animals lay on their back when they sleep?
Answer: Human beings and Chimpanzees.
Parenting in Animals
Trivia Question: Which animal has the shortest gestation period?
Answer: A hamster.
A hamster takes 16 days from conception to giving birth.
Birds that Fly Backwards
Trivia Question: Name the only bird that can fly backward?
Answer: The hummingbird.
They also have the ability to fly upside down.
The US National Symbol
Trivia Question: Which animal is the national symbol of the US?
Answer: The bald eagle.
National Symbol of China
Trivia Question: Which animal is the national symbol of China?
Answer: The giant panda.
Animals Defence Mechanism
Trivia Question: Which animal blows up when threatened to scare away the enemy?
Answer: The pufferfish.
Endangered Animal Species
Trivia Question: Which is the latest animal to have been saved from the verge of extinction by technology?
Answer: The northern white rhino.
Native to East Africa, this species of rhino was on the verge of extinction when the only living male (named Sudan) died before having babies.
Snake Venom
Trivia Question: Python is the most poisonous snake: True or False?
Answer: False.
Most python species are don’t have venom. The most venomous snakes are the mambas and vipers.
Mourning Doves
Trivia Question: How many eggs do doves lay?
Answer: Two eggs.
Their two eggs male and female dove.
Monogamous Animals
Trivia Question: Which animals have one sexual partner throughout their lifetime?
Answer: Gibbons, bald eagles, barn owls, and beavers.
In case of their partner dying, these animals will remain single for the rest of their lives.
The Largest Bird
Trivia Question: What is the largest living bird today?
Answer: The ostrich.
On average, an ostrich weighs as much as three female adult human beings.
The Dinosaurs
Trivia Question: Were dinosaurs real or just a work of fiction?
Answer: Dinosaurs were real.
Dinosaurs excavated bones and remains are found in museums across the world.
Wooly Mammoth
Trivia Question: From which country were the bones of the wooly mammoth discovered?
Answer: Siberian Russia.
Are Bats Birds?
Trivia Question: Is a bat a bird or a mammal?
Answer: A mammal.
In as much as they fly like birds, bats have fur on their skin, give birth, and have mammary glands that produce milk like other mammals.
Immortal Animals
Trivia Question: Which animal never dies?
Answer: The immortal jellyfish.
Newborn Kangaroos
Trivia Question: What is the size of a newborn Kangaroo?
Answer: A newborn kangaroo can be as big as a bee!
They spend much of their time in their mother’s pouch until they are big enough to survive outside.
Grow Until Death
Trivia Question: Which animal keeps growing until its death?
Answer: Lizards, snakes and amphibians.
Birds that Fly but Cannot Walk
Trivia Question: Which bird cannot walk but only fly?
Answer: The Loons and Grebes.
Loons and grebes cannot walk. Their legs are positioned at the rear and are adapted to swimming underwater.
Animals that Give Birth Through the Mouth
Trivia Question: Which animal gives birth through the mouth?
Answer: Tilapia and angelfish.
Tilapia hides their fertilized eggs in their mouth until they hatch.
Animals that Die After Giving Birth
Trivia Question: Which animals die at childbirth?
Answer: Octopuses, squids, salmon and vitellinus frog.
As for the vitellinus frog, the mother lays eggs and swallows them. The eggs hatch, grow into tadpoles and froglets before bursting their mother open, freeing themselves into the world.
Sexual Cannibalism
Trivia Question: What animals eat their males during mating?
Answer: Insects.
Animals that Die After Sex
Trivia Question: Which animals mate to death?
Answer: Tasman antechinus.
The male antechinus mates for very long hours and hopes from one partner to the next until they die from stress and exhaustion. Once their sexual drive is activated, they mate nonstop till death.
The Orangutans
Trivia Question: Which animal takes care of its young ones the longest?
Answer: The orangutans.
Orangutans take care of their children for up to 8 years or more.
The Kangaroo’s Tail
Trivia Question: What is the purpose of a kangaroo tail?
Answer: They are used for standing like legs.
Big Cats with Long Tails
Trivia Question: What is the reason for the big cats’ long tails?
Answer: Their long tails are important for agility and stability during complex maneuvers.
Dogs that Never Bark
Trivia Question: Name the only breed of dogs that don’t bark?
Answer: The basenji dog.
Basenji dogs don’t bark. Instead, they produce a yodeling-like voice.
Mammals Gestation Period
Trivia Question: Which animal has a gestation period of exactly 100 days?
Answer: Lions.
Color Camouflage
Trivia Question: How does a chameleon know what color to change to?
Answer: Their skin contains pigmented crystals that sense the environment and temperature. Together with the mood, a chameleon changes its color accordingly.
Insects Life Cycle
Trivia Question: What do caterpillars change to when they mature?
Answer: Butterflies.
Friendly Sea Animals
Trivia Question: What is the friendliest sea animal in the world?
Answer: Dolphins.
Dolphins are the friendliest sea animals and also the most playful as well.
Blue Whales
Trivia Question: What is the largest animal alive today?
Answer: The blue whale.
One Blue whale weighs as much as 40 adult male elephants.
The Oldest Animal
Trivia Question: Which animal lives the longest?
Answer: The Greenland shark.
Greenland sharks have an average lifespan of 270 years.
Shortest Lifespan
Trivia Question: Which animal has the shortest lifespan?
Answer: A mayfly.
A mayfly’s lifespan is 24 hours or less.
Largest Land Animal
Trivia Question: What is the largest land animal?
Answer: An African elephant.
Laughing Animals
Trivia Question: What is the only animal that laughs apart from humans?
Answer: The hyena.
Eggs Laying Doves
Trivia Question: How many eggs do a dove lay?
Answer: Only two.
Hatched from an Egg
Trivia Question: What is the name of a young hen that has just been hatched from an egg?
Answer: A chick.
Parts of Insects Body
Trivia Question: What are the three parts that make up the body of an insect?
Answer: The head, thorax, and abdomen.
Animals With no Head
Trivia Question: Which animal has no head but has eyes?
Answer: The scallops.
Laziest Animal
Trivia Question: Name the laziest group of animals on the planet?
Answer: Sloths.
Cool Animal Trivia
Trivia Question: Which insect produces natural light from their bodies when in the dark?
Answer: The firefly.
There you have your complete list of animal trivia questions. I hope you’ve enjoyed it.
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